In 2012, drilling fluids industry veteran Keith Steel founded Tiger Fluids, motivated by a vision of offering both choice and solutions to enhance drilling performance. Assembling an expert team backed by decades of industry experience, Keith developed a range of muds specifically tailored to the unique ground conditions found in this part of the globe. In only 5 years, Tiger Fluids has expanded both in size and reach to offer high-quality products, engineering services, and onsite and offsite training and assistance. In 2017, the company launched four new services: equipment sourcing, equipment sale facilitation, equipment hire, and digital marketing.


Tried and tested, our products considerably improve the productivity of our clients. Our mud systems are simple, effective, and easy to use with different degrees of inhibition that can be matched to the formations encountered, a concept that will enable operators to keep their mud costs under control. ​
We manufacture all of our products, meeting and exceeding industry specifications. With our reliable quality control and assurance program, each drum or sack of material is bar-coded, allowing for easy tracking and tracing and quality monitoring. Tiger Fluids manufacturing and blending facilities are located in various locations around the APAC region, so we can offer supply chain efficiency and pass on savings to our customers.
At Tiger Fluids, we are dedicated to delivering real results to our customers, by promising:
Quality products that are proven and field-tested
Simple but effective drilling fluids systems
Expert engineering support
User-friendly training
Competitive pricing
Reliable, customer-orientated team